BLAQLISTED provides real-time news from over 1,000 global content providers on all things blacklisted through one simple aggregation platform that covers 36 topics: Animals, Business, Cars, Computers, Conspiracies, Diets, Economy, Education, Entertainment, Environment, Fashion. Finance, Fitness, Food. Games. Hacking, Health, History, Human Rights, Humor, Investments, Lifestyle, Luxury, Media, Money, Movies, Music, Politics, Science, Sex, Social Media, Sports, Technology, Television, Transportation, Travel. Stop scouring the web for hard to find media. It's all here! For up to the second data, simply refresh this page.


Checking out many separate websites frequently can take a long time and rapidly become cumbersome. Aggregation technologies such as the one used by BLAQLISTED help to consolidate many websites into one page that can show real-time information from many sites. Aggregators reduce the time and effort needed to regularly check websites for updates, creating a unique information space or personal newspaper. Famous examples of news aggregation websites similar to BLAQLISTED are the Drudge Report, the Huffington Post, Newslookup, Newsvine, World News (WN) Network and Daily Beast (among others) where news aggregation is entirely automatic, using complex algorithms which carry out contextual analysis and group similar stories together. News aggregation websites started with sites like the Drudge Report, NewsNow, and the Huffington Post and is a rapidly evolving technology segment with still huge innovations to come thanks to breakthroughs in artificial intelligence.


The privately funded BLAQLISTED platform has been acclaimed by the global tech startup community with a rouse of applause: “innovative”, “powerful” and “addictively useful". BLAQLISTED  is “the one stop shop destination for all MENA real-time news and latest job opportunities needs”. BLAQLISTED’s user adoption has just been staggering to say the least! In just a few months and without any marketing initiatives apart from word of mouth, the platform already registers an average of roughly 30,000 users per day [source: Google Analytics]! That’s 900,000 users per month and over 10,000,000 users per year! Talk about a goldmine for online advertisers! And thanks to the platform’s 30 different topic sections, BLAQLISTED allows for effective targeted advertising from business to finance to fashion to health to technology etc… Welcome to MENA's first and most powerful real-time news and latest jobs opportunities aggregation platform! Welcome to BLAQLISTED!


Serhii Horodnii wanted two things to build his business idea: a healthy market of consumers, and cash. Luckily, he found the second thing in a market offering the first. So the Ukrainian entrepreneur is now in Dubai on one of the desert emirate’s few start-up accelerator programmes, developing his idea of using unmanned aerial drones for entertainment. “It’s the kind of place that suits my business perfectly,” says Mr. Horodnii, 33, who received $24,000 from the Turn 8 accelerator programme, which is funded by Dubai ports company DP World and operated by Innovation 360, a private sector start-up consultancy that also runs its own investment and mentor programme i360 Accelerator. For 20% equity in his business, Mr. Horodnii has accessed a small amount of capital, mentors and a new market of high-spending, game-savvy consumers. It is in Dubai where he now aims to launch his idea for a center where gamers control drones that relay their movement and action real time to headsets on the ground.